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Sonntag, 5. August 2012

Meet Tengo and Maya

Of course, the most important about cat-sitting are the cats :-), so here I introduce you to Tengo (white, male) and Maya (tiger, female)

I had a long, exciting and exhausting day at the flea markets of Saint-Ouen near Porte de Clignancourt - sorry, can't show you my finds, because they are presents.

There were row after row of stalls and later I found out, I had only seen two of the total of ten market places in that area. When I finally came home it was really nice to have cats greeting you!

2 Kommentare:

  1. Just seen your comment on the plastric strips....of course I now know what they are! Great idea to find a way to use them. No idea what they are called.
