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Dienstag, 7. August 2012

La Seine, la Tour Eiffel et Sacre Coeur

This was a very hard walking day - I'll show you some pictures:

along the Seine to the Eiffel Tower

Next to the Eiffel Tower there were again house boats and also tourist boats - of course I had to take a cruise!

Paris has 38 bridges, we were told, and we passed 20 of them

... a lot to see...
... then I went by metro and funiculaire - cable car - up to Sacre Coeur

and sat on the stairs , listened to some music

and watched an incredible artistic performance

... there's more to come tomorrow, but certainly I won't go to the Louvre, since we were told, to go through all the passages of the Louvre equals to a half marathon... (I alrady have blisters...)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Liebe Susanne. Also doch noch, endlich habe ich es geschafft, einen Kommentar zu veröffentlichen:
    Herzlichen Dank nochmal auf diesem Weg für dein liebevolles und gewissenhaftes Haus-, Katzen-, Hunde-, Pferde- Bücher- und Hofsitting mit dem du uns einen lange ersehnten Urlaub ermöglicht hast! Vielen Dank auch für die Bücher, werden schon gelesen!
    Dir noch einen schön Aufenthalt in Paris.
    Bis bald, liebe Grüße von Eva, Nigel und Leon

  2. Dear Gay and Eva, thank you for your comments, I am really thrilled about them... I'll write a mail XXX Susanne
