Yesterday I travelled from Sevilla to Valencia by train to start a week of dog-sitting.
Passing the station of Xàtiva, I think I recognized the castle of Cocentaina - is that right, Gay?
(Of course, it might also be that all castles on all hills look similar....)
I was met at the Estación del Norte by Jenny, the owner of the dog. "
I´ll be waiting outside near a lamp post, girl in green polka dot dress with big black dog." she texted me - unmistakable.
So I didn´t have time to look at the really beautiful train station, but I´ll have enough time for that during the next days.
Later arrived Grete, her mexican flatmate and in the evening we went out for a copa just around the corner.
Jenny and Grete both left this morning; Jenny to Newcastle and Grete for a weekend in Barcelona. I am lucky to stay right in the heart of the city, it is a good-sized footwalking town and has a large park, former riverbed converted into the green lung of Valencia and especially for joggers, bicyclists and dog-owners. So this will be my big morning walk.
Afterwards I left Sloane at home and went to the Mercado Central.
I have to go there again, when I have the hands (and mind) free to take more photos of tiles, stained glass and iron construction. Just then I was occupied with buying ingredients for a good mixed salad: lechuga, tomato, pimentón, pepino, champiñones, huevos, cebolla dulce, rabanos, queso fresco...
... which I enjoyed just now on the sunny veranda: a pair of white legs and some more hairy legs.