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Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012

Santo Antonio das Areias

Yesterday morning I met with Wilhelmina, the Dutch house-sitter for the casa rural, on the main road. She was going to her Spanish class and said she could drop me off in Santo Antonio das Areias.
I had an hour time to wander around the village. (Again, as you know, those pictures are not mine, but stolen somewhere in the net.)

It is a beautiful little place with nice white houses, a church, a bullring, a supermarket, 3 or 4 bars... several fountains and a lot of tile panels - mainly of Santo Antonio, of course!
Some of the houses looked really stately; no idea if something important had happened to this place.

But on the other hand it was VERY rural:
I heard a ringing whisteling sound and then the knife grinder appeared with his bicycle
and having a look at yet another fountain with tile panels, I discovered a "washing house" with maybe a dozend stone washing boards - and an old lady went in and checked her sheets - so still in use!

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