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Samstag, 22. Dezember 2012

animal-sitting in Portugal again

Over the X-mas holidays we are taking care of the house and animals in Portugal, where I was in summer. Without Kasimir *sniff* we could leave both and have a relaxing time.

It started with a stay in Sevilla; I saw an interesting exhibition of old photographs; in the evening we went to the cinema and watched Life of Pi. I had read the book in German (Schiffbruch mit Tiger) and just had to see the film. This cinema always brings films in version original, and whatever you see there, is good. Also this film is very recommendable!
Afterwards we made a tour round Triana to find out, whether all the pubs, that we remembered, still existed - not so recommendable ;-)

The next day we took the bus to Badajoz - three hours on winding roads, with stops in lots of little village, all with long romantic names like: Sta. Olalla del Cala, Fregenal de la Sierra, Jerez de los Caballeros, Valle de Matamoros etc. 
Eva picked us up from the bus station, then it was another hour to their place.

We are caring for two dogs, two cats, a horse and two donkeys.
The cats are the easiest: they only come to tell you, that the dish is empty or that they want a cuddle. Other than that, they are self reliant.
Not so the dogs, especially Pancho, who has to be kept on the lead and needs at least two walks per day.

Early morning sun on the village of Marvão

Sinsa, a calf-sized dog, can run without a lead and barks our way free - at least so it seems.
Then there is a horse and two donkeys to care for. The pony, that I knew from my first stay, had died. Last time there was only one donkey, which stayed with the neighbours. They have to be fed in the morning and evening.

The donkey´s paddock is at the other side of a creek - and since they don´t want to cross it...

... I have to do it:

Finally: Feierabend! - we call it a day

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